
Friday, May 28, 2021

Kia tau, Kia tere, and Kia tūрatō Animation

 Hello bloggers

Every day at the start of the day we go through a set of slides and one of them is having to say a Maori sentence. You can choose to say Kia tau / Be still, Kia tere / Be quick, or Kia tūрatō / Be careful. Then we were told we needed to do an animation about it, we could do it with a buddy or by ourselves, I'm doing mine with Izzy. We're still working on it. I really enjoyed finding the images for the animation. What Maori words do you know and what do they mean? 

Area - How to do Area

 Hello bloggers

For the last couple of weeks, we have been learning about Area and we have been asked to make a screencastify about how to do area. And then make a slide about it to remind them how to do it. I really enjoyed making the slide about it. Do you know how to do area?

Maths measurement - How to use a ruler

 Hello bloggers 

For maths, for the last couple of weeks, we have been learning about measurement and how to use a ruler properly. We had to make a screencastify about it to teach others and also make a slide to remind them how to do it. I really enjoyed making the screencastify. Do you know how to use a ruler screencastify properly?

Friday, May 21, 2021

He aha te huarere? - What is the weather?

 Hello bloggers 

Each day at the start of the day, we go through lots of slides and one of them was how to say what is the weather in Maori. Lots of people will have their hand up to ask "He aha te huarere?" Then someone will say someone's name and they will respond to it -  "He rangi mahana" which means the weather is warm. Then we have done animations about the weather. I really enjoyed making the anime characters.

He aha te huarere bloggers?

Friday, May 14, 2021

My Anzac activities slides

 Hello bloggers 

For literacy, we have been learning about ANZAC day we had to do 7 out of 24 activities in two weeks on the slide I have put ticks next to the ones that I have done so far. I really enjoyed it. It was fun to find out stuff about the war.

What did you do for ANZAC day?